
Disable ACLs on folder or process or user

cn flag

I have a downloader-application that downloads data and saves it as files and folders. Another application then processes this data.

The files and folders get created with ACLs applying to them.

$ ls -al
drwxrwsr-x+ 23 application application 4096 Feb 18 07:45 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 23 root        root        4096 Feb 18 07:45 ..
drwxr-xr-x+ 8  downloader  downloader  4096 Feb 18 07:44 data

The "+" here after the access rights shows, that ACLs are applied. Even if I change the owner of the data to application, it cannot write to it.

Because of the ACLs, the second application is not allowed to write or delete these files. I can see this with getfacl. When I delete the ACLs alltogether (setfacl -b data), writing and deleting works.

Because I don't really need the ACLs on my system, I'd like to deactivate them either globally, or only for the user "downloader", or for the running process. Whichever is easier.

How to do this?

I don't even know why they are active. mount doesn't show acl as a mount option. dpkg shows me, that only libacl1 is installed.


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