
nginx configuration for robots.txt

cn flag

I've read other answers and Nginx docs, and I can't figure out why this works:

location = /robots.txt {
    alias /<fullpath>/static/robots.allow.txt;

and this don't:

location = /robots.txt {
    rewrite .* /robots.allow.txt last;

for the second one, server root is root /<fullpath>/static;

Richard Smith avatar
jp flag
The `rewrite...last` will search for a new location to process the rewritten URI. If you use `rewrite...break` the rewritten URI is processed within the same location.
Nestor avatar
cn flag
You're right, it worked, thanks! Though I have another question, when the request is processed a new file `robots.txt` is created in the very same location, why does that happen?
Richard Smith avatar
jp flag
I have never seen that. What does the file contain?
Nestor avatar
cn flag
The very same content
djdomi avatar
za flag
@richard some CMS have custom instead standard path used thats like you would use htaccess to fix this url ;)

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