
SirTunnel (python script) vs already exist https server (node.js) is it possible

my flag

I found

This is usage:

How do you use it?
If you have:

A SirTunnel server instance listening on port 443 of
A copy of the script available on the PATH of the server.
An SSH server running on port 22 of
A webserver running on port 8080 of your laptop.
And you run the following command on your laptop:

ssh -tR 9001:localhost:8080 9001
Now any requests to will be proxied to your local webserver.

Because i already use port 443 with my webserver on Node.js i not sure who to make it works together.

Any suggestion ?

djdomi avatar
za flag
this is why you should consider to use a reverse proxy like nginx.
djdomi avatar
za flag
Does this answer your question? [How to set up Nginx as a caching reverse proxy?](

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