
How to configure a domain name with a virtual host in Webmin?

al flag

I'm setting up my raspberry pi for shared hosting. My aim is to host more websites by purchasing domain names through providers such as or I am using webmin to create the web servers, I have installed the modules: Apache Web Server, DNS Bind Server. My problem is that mine is a home hosting so I have only one public ip address, how do I make sure to use the same shared ip address with multiple domain names? it's possible to do it?


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Questions involving web hosting control panels are off-topic because they customize their systems so that standard system administration methods no longer apply. Some related topics may be asked on Webmasters
cn flag

Yes, these are called virtual hosts in Apache lingo. See the Apache documentation:

Basically you'll define at least a Virtual Host name and a folder from which to serve its web pages for each website you wish to host.

Something like:

<VirtualHost <your IP>:80>
  ServerAdmin [email protected]
  DocumentRoot "/www/docs/"
  ErrorLog "logs/"
  TransferLog "logs/"

Repeated for each hostname for which you want your server to serve queries.

As for the Webmin Apache module, it has a "Virtual Host" section.

Notice that in your case, your public (internet facing) IP address may not be fixed; so you may need to use a dynamic DNS system. Also, generally you'll need to forward the proper ports from your router to your server (generally 80 and 443 for TLS).

antoniodilorenzo avatar
al flag
I've done all of this but how should I set up my domain name? I created an A record from the domain name provider pointing to the public address, but doing so in both domains and point to the same page and not their folders
cn flag
@antoniodilorenzo show your Apache configuration file. Remember that there are two different configurations for http and https, too.

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