
Is it possible to use MTA-STS in Postfix without overriding DANE?

jp flag

The SMTP MTA Strict Transport Security RFC 8461, 2 clearly states that:

However, MTA-STS is designed not to interfere with DANE deployments when the two overlap; in particular, senders who implement MTA-STS validation MUST NOT allow MTA-STS Policy validation to override a failing DANE validation.

Currently it seems that with the following Postfix configuration the MTA-STA overrides DANE (RFC 6698) validation when the recipient has implemented both, as discussed in the mta-sts-daemon's issue #67, and DANE is only used if the domain is explicitly listed in the first matching smtp_tls_policy_maps (/etc/postfix/tls_policy) as dane-only.

# Opportunistic DANE TLS
smtp_tls_security_level = dane
smtp_dns_support_level = dnssec

smtp_tls_CAfile = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
smtp_tls_policy_maps =

Has anyone found a way to configure Postfix in a RFC 8461 compliant way, i.e., that MTA-STS policy validation through mta-sts-daemon cannot change the policy maps for domains that have both technologies enabled? Would this require an additional external "dane-daemon" providing dane-only smtp_tls_policy_maps for domains that have DANE enabled?

jp flag
@anx: That's why the policy resolver should respond with `dane-only` (instead of `dane`); "Mandatory DANE TLS. This is just like `dane` above, but DANE TLSA authentication is required. There is no fallback to `may` or `encrypt` when TLSA records are missing or unusable."
anx avatar
fr flag
@EsaJokinen Indeed. I was wrong; [`dane-only` *does* ensure]( its documented behaviour to defer instead, even in the "found but none usable" case.
jp flag
I added [a comment]( to a related issue on GitHub / Snawoot / [postfix-mta-sts-resolver](
anx avatar
fr flag
I wonder if the simplest workaround possible - prepending another socketmap that returns dane-only or NOTFOUND depending on a single dns query - would miss any edge cases..
us flag
Experts in these technologies usually answer such questions on the Postfix mailing list at [email protected].
jp flag
@anx: Good suggestion. Although it is not a single DNS query, but a result of a few, as described in [RFC 7672, 2.2.3]( But the socketmap service could return `dane-only` if TLSA records for the MX servers are present, which should fix the problem.
anx avatar
fr flag
One edge case I am thinking of is: *records found but none usable*. Postfix goes to `encrypt` in that case, which would be a downgrade from a potential `secure` result from MTA-STS.

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