
What program is being executed upon time command?

kr flag

In my terminal in Ubuntu, I want to execute the time program with option -v, but it fails:

$ time -v ls
-v: command not found

However if I specify the path /usr/bin/time of the program as such, it works:

$ /usr/bin/time -v ls
foo  bar  baz
        Command being timed: "ls"
        User time (seconds): 0.00

So it seems that time and /usr/bin/time are different executables. But to my surprise, when trying to identify time with which, it tells that it is the same:

$ which time

I am puzzled, can someone explain what is happening?
Is the result of which somehow not correct?

ws flag

Try running type time - it will probably tell you that on your system time is a shell keyword (compare this with orher comands like echo, ls and nano).

If you explicitly want to run /usr/bin/time, then type /usr/bin/time -v ls

Louis Coulet avatar
kr flag
Yes indeed ```time``` is a shell keyword, I didn't know about those, that's treacherous!
ng flag
It's not a keyword, it's a builtin. There is no such thing as a "keyword" in a POSIX shell. There are the *reserved words* `!`, `{`, `}`, `case`, `do`, `done`, `elif`, `else`, `esac`, `fi`, `for`,`if`, `in`, `then`, `until`, and `while` which are reserved in all shells and `[[`, `]]`, `function`, and `select` which are reserved in some shells. As you will notice, `time` is not one of those.
ph flag
@JörgWMittag In bash, it's a keyword. See the [Reserved Words section of the bash manual]( This allows things like applying `time` to [an entire pipeline]( (though this is disabled in POSIX mode).
ar flag

It's both a binary in /usr/bin/time and a Shell builtin.

$ type time
time is a shell keyword

Shell builtins have precedence over binaries on disk. To use the binary, you have to specify the path, e.g. /usr/bin/time -v ls

The Wikipedia Article has some more information on the topic.

Louis Coulet avatar
kr flag
Yes indeed, thank you for the article.

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