
Amazon Lightsail + CDN 502 Error

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I have gone through all of the various posts here about the issue as well as gone through this link and still can't solve the problem.

Using Amazon's Lightsail and Amazon Linux 2, I tried setting up a CDN distribution and it returns the error: "502 Error The request could not be satisfied."

What I have done:

  1. I have a working instance, with a SSL certificate for, and

  2. Attached a distribution to that instance.

  3. Added a SSL to the distribution for and and it says it is in use

  4. Verified the custom domain via DNS for

  5. For the policy, I have set "forward default HTTP headers"

  6. I have this checked "Your distribution pulls content from your origin using HTTPS only"

I have tested the origin domain using openssl s_client -connect and I see the certificate for in there,

I'm also not using Bitnami/Wordpress.

Any guidance and solving the problem is appreciated.


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