
Centos7 slave zones doesn't query master for zone file

jp flag

This is my named.conf. These are zones on

Also, can successfully query zone files from centos 7 master zones.

Patrick Mevzek avatar
cn flag
`named.conf` is a text file, provide it (the relevant parts) as text in your question, do not use images. Same for the zones. Your question is also not very clear, please state what test you do with which command, and what results do you get. `dig` is a good DNS troubleshooting tool, or you can also look at your logfiles.
Intolighter avatar
jp flag
I'm sorry, but I configure virtual box machines and don't want to waste time retyping all what's depicted.
Intolighter avatar
jp flag
I need my `centos7` `named` query zone files from the master, as described as default behavior in all tutorials. What output of `dig` do you need?
jp flag

After 10 trying of find problem from journal logs, journal brought me it. Problem.

I needed to run chmod o+w slaves.


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