
How To Disable Weak Cipher Suites Only For TLS 1.0 and 1.1 In Windows?

in flag

I want to disable some weak cipher suites in Windows but TLS 1.2 is not so vulnerable and I don't want to cause any other problem in the server, so I just want to disable them for TLS 1.0 and 1.1.
Disable-TlsCipherSuite command works but disables a cipher suite for all TLS versions.

Steffen Ullrich avatar
se flag
I don't think this is possible
gg flag

Weak cipher suites should be disabled regardless of SSL/TLS version.

Also, yes: disabling versions of SSL/TLS older than TLS 1.2 is highly recommended.

IIS Crypto is a very useful free tool that will assist with disabling less secure protocols and cipher suites. See Note: I am not in any way affiliated with Nartac Software. Simply recommending a GUI/command line tool that has proven to be very helpful.


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