
how to handle extreme hug Weblogic server .out file?

kz flag

Weblogic server under logs folder has servername.out0000x files which are extreme huge. Log folder is over 1.4TB and some servername.out000 files are over 100 G.
How these file can be reduced size or can be deleted?
Is there any way to handle these servername.out files?

ezra-s avatar
ru flag
if those logs are standard output and not server logs just use logrotate from your OS, it is weblogic defined server logs you can adjust their rotation and size from the weblogic console
djdomi avatar
za flag
I've found a [similar howto]( via google
Ryan Exlay avatar
kz flag
@djdomi, thanks for your help. let me try it out, first. But it is about ```.log``` files, which is 500MB. My issue is ```.out.000x```. Mine are currently over 100G now.
djdomi avatar
za flag
are these just logs?

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