
Load vars based on env in ansible

gr flag

Team, I have two vars that map to two environments. I want to use them in playbook but only one value should be applied based on env playbook runs on.


var = test1 > should be loaded when env1
var = test2 > should be loaded when env2

any hint how can i achieve this in ansible?

I want to write my task in such a way that this variables var carries test1 value when it is run on env1 and vice versa. is there a login I can use at task level? my task is below and when am running my playbook on clusterA it should use var=test1 and when running on clusterB it should use var=test2

    - name: Add persistent ddn volume
    path: "{{ lustre_client_path }}"
    src: "{{ var }}"
    fstype: lustre
    state: mounted
Zeitounator avatar
fr flag
I suggest you read [Where to set an ansible variable]( and [How to build your inventory](
gr flag

Actually I figured out. I just had to create a separate file and called it configs.yml and place it in each cluster env playbook directly. This worked. So based on env is now loading.


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