
Want Apache Location to have different authorization than overlapping Directory

cn flag

I am running an application in Apache 2.4.

The application is served out of /usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin. Access to this application is restricted to those who have authenticated with Shibboleth. The configuration (so far) looks like this:

DocumentRoot /usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin

<Directory /usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin>
  SetHandler cgi-script
  AuthType shibboleth
  Require valid-user

I want certain users to be able to access the application but have a special environment variable set. So I change the above to this:

DocumentRoot /usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin

ScriptAlias "/impersonate" "/usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin"
<Location /impersonate>
  AuthType shibboleth

<Directory /usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin>
  SetHandler cgi-script
  AuthType shibboleth
  Require valid-user

This works but how do I restrict access to the /impersonate path only to specific users? I tried the following but it still allowed all users access to /impersonate:

DocumentRoot /usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin

ScriptAlias "/impersonate" "/usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin"
<Location /impersonate>
  AuthType shibboleth
    require user admin

<Directory /usr/share/myapp/cgi-bin>
  SetHandler cgi-script
  AuthType shibboleth
  Require valid-user

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