
Why does `apt-get -y install php8.0-dev` installs PHP 8.1

cn flag

On my ubuntu 22.04, I used the PPA from LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php

I ran apt-get -y install php8.0-dev, which required php8.1-phpdbg and it went ahead and installed PHP 8.1 which replaced my PHP 8.0

I find this behavior puzzling, any idea why php8.0-dev relies on php8.1-phpdbg?? Thank you!

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de flag

It might be because the dependency is php8.1-phpdbg and it wants to upgrade php8.0-dev to PHP v8.1. After all the dependency is for PHP 8.1, so it probably installs PHP 8.1 anyway.


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