
Inflow of load upon recovery of redis failure

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My system uses a dot net web server

A failure recovery system was built with a redis sentinel system with HAproxy.

Writing as a REDIS Master on a web server and reading distribution with Slave are being applied.

However, during the failure test, there is a phenomenon in which the write/read variance is concentrated only on the changed master.

If you turn off the master/slave write, read distribution, work with only the master to put the load, and perform a failure test, the load is put into the changed master well.

If you have this experience, please share it.

I can't search even if I try googling.

  • my system info. dotnet core 3.1 web server
    nuget -> StackExchange.Redis.Extensions 5.5.0

    haproxy 2.1.7 Redis 5.0.7

VIP haproxy 1 haproxy 2

HA1,HA2 keepalived check 

redis A
redis B
redis C

sentinel X
sentinel Y
sentinel Z

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