
Redis & HAProxy issue

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We just switched one of our PHP projects to use Redis/Haproxy as a solution for storing sessions. The issue we are facing is once in one or two months, the project will randomly lose sessions. We have to refresh the same page 10~30 times to see that issue. If we restart Haproxy, it seems to be working again. But, we don't want our client to experience the same issue every couple weeks.

We basically have Haproxy installed locally on all web servers. In the application itself, we are calling localhost tcp:// to to get/store the redis session. The HAProxy is configured to three rediscust servers below.. ex. So, in case the first redis cluster failed, it can fall on the second cluster. If the second one fails, it can fall on the third cluster. That's basically how our architecture is laid out. All RedisCust servers data are replicated once there is update.

Is there anything I should pay attention to?


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