
Which process/script/application if squeezing my files every 5 minutes?

cn flag

I have a process executing every 5 minutes (precisely) which overwrites the content of a folder. It obviously synchronizes whith another (identified) folder, which means it completely replaces the content of the folder with content of the other folder. The kind of thing that rsync or unison do (which we both use).

I looked in the crontab, and after deactivating the only script executed every 5 minutes, nothing changed. So it's another process.

How could I find which script/process/thing is responsible for that behavior?

My system is CentOS 6.

djdomi avatar
za flag
try lsof as a basic tool for example
us flag

Typically cron logs which jobs get executed so check the cron log files, usually found in /var/log

Then there are usually three classes of cron jobs:

  • personal cron specifications ; made by/for a specific user with crontab -e ; those usually get stored in /var/spool/cron

  • system cron jobs, which get started from /etc/crontab. In addition to the batches specified there that crontab usually also runs the /etc/cron.[daily|hourly|weekly|monthly] scripts.

  • most current cron implementations support the /etc/cron.d/ drop-in directory to create batches. Those batches can have custom schedule and support the user column also found in /etc/crontab to specify a specific user ID that will be used to execute the batch.

When you can't find a cron job:

Consider that the job is not running on the system where that folder lives, maybe the job is triggered remotely. Check for logins to identify the user.


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