
IPtables redirect IP from VPN

ru flag

I am trying to set up a VPN with iptables redirect. VPN client is a hardware with predefined destination IP to However the real destination IP now is and I cannot change the settings of the hardware. Therefore I am advertising to VPN clients that the server can route But at the Ubuntu which hosts the openvpn server I want to redirect those requests to to

I have tried these

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -j DNAT —-to-destination
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE

However these settings don’t work. Any suggestions?

Martin avatar
kz flag
We need more information to answer this question. What "hardware client" ? VPN configuration? The iptables rules posted are where exactly, on the vpn server, on the firewall in between? what do you mean via "destination ip"? the IP of the openvpn server? A layout of the involved networks could help...
ru flag
The hardware is embeded pc whhich can only be managed through L2. I do not have an L2 access to it and I am migrating a server so thats why I need to use the old IP. Mentioned IP tables were directly on the ovpn server. There is no firewall in between. Basically I want every request made through vpn with destination IP to be redirected to destination IP (on the ovpn server) without the source (embeded hardware) knowing that this redirect happened.
Martin avatar
kz flag
please post openvpn server configuration and the available network interfaces of the server.
ru flag
I do not have access to the ovpn server at this time (I am not in the office anymore) but there are 3 interfaces available. First is en0 ( then tun and then loopback. Interface is able to connect to through gateway at At first I tried dnat in outpur chain and it worked but only dorectly at server. When I pinged from ovpn server the IP was redirected correctly. However when the ping originated at embeded hardware it was not redirected for some reason.

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