
Run a PowerShell script once on all computers as admin via GPO without changing execution policy

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I have a PowerShell script that I need to run once on all computers in my Active Directory domain. A large number of computers are off at any given time, so a GPO would allow us to ensure that it applies to all affected machines. However, the script needs to run as administrator because of the registry values being modified. Also, per our security department, we cannot change the ExecutionPolicy on these devices.

Is there any way to get this script to run?

New-PSDrive -PSProvider registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -Name HKCR
$regKey = 'ms-msdt'
$saveFolder = 'C:\Temp\'
$savePath = $saveFolder + 'CVE-2022-30190.reg'
$PSRegPath = 'HKCR:\' + $regkey
$CMDRegPath = 'HKCR\' + $regkey
if(Test-Path $PSRegPath)
    if(!(Test-Path $saveFolder))
        New-Item -Path $folder -ItemType Directory
    Invoke-Command {reg export $CMDRegPath $savePath -Y}
    Remove-Item -Path $PSRegPath -Recurse -Force

This script backs up a registry entry before deleting it, as recommended by the Microsoft mitigation work-around to CVE-2022-30190.

SamErde avatar
gg flag
What is the current execution policy?
cn flag
`A large number of computers are off at any given time, so a GPO would allow us to ensure that it applies to all affected machines.` How is that? A GPO can only help you if an endpoint is *on* the network.
SamErde avatar
gg flag
I suspect their hope is that a GPO would ensure that the script runs as soon as the computer is turned on (once it picks up and processes the new GPO setting).
gg flag

You can deploy the script as a Computer setting using Windows Settings > Scripts (Startup/Shutdown.

These scripts will run in the system context and not the user. To limit this to only running once, you can add a little bit of logic in the script to check for the existence of the registry data. Screen shot of the group policy editor opened to the startup scripts settings.


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