
MacOS M1 - Docker desktop Why qemu-system-aarch64 takes large amount of memory once it starts?

fr flag

I am running docker-desktop on MACOS M1 chipset, once I start my docker desktop application.

enter image description here

As you can see in the screenshot too much amount of memory as well as CPU is being utilized.

ae flag
I don't see CPU utilization in the picture but docker desktop can consume a lot of resources, even on Intel-based CPUs. Are you running any containers inside the docker? Are they perhaps amd64/x86 based images instead of native arm images?
HDB avatar
fr flag
In image, shown of excessive memory usage only and that too without any container running @juraj. Is this normal? I also thought that If I create amd64 platform image then only the above service is taking too much resource but that is not the case.
th flag

I have solved the issue by enabling the Virtualization Framework in Docker settings. Docker settings


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