I have no idea my server twice a day get 502 bad gateway. I have made lots of tweaks but none of them are working. Here is my dedicated specification
2x E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz [32 cores] 32 GB RAM
Here is sample error log
[07-Oct-2022 08:26:19] WARNING: [pool dsimlife-user] child 113207, script '/home/dsimlife/public_html/id1/api-bot.php' (request: "GET /api-bot.php?f=runWork") executing too slow (5.020967 sec), logging
[07-Oct-2022 08:26:19] NOTICE: child 113207 stopped for tracing
[07-Oct-2022 08:26:19] NOTICE: about to trace 113207
[07-Oct-2022 08:26:19] NOTICE: finished trace of 113207
[07-Oct-2022 08:26:24] WARNING: [pool dsimlife-user] child 113218, script '/home/dsimlife/public_html/id1/api-bot.php' (request: "GET /api-bot.php?f=runTask") executing too slow (5.167098 sec), logging
[07-Oct-2022 08:26:24] NOTICE: child 113218 stopped for tracing
[07-Oct-2022 08:26:24] NOTICE: about to trace 113218
[07-Oct-2022 08:26:24] NOTICE: finished trace of 113218
Here is my nginx configuration
user nobody;
worker_processes 1;
worker_rlimit_nofile 2500;
#error_log logs/error.log;
#error_log logs/error.log notice;
#error_log logs/error.log info;
pid /var/run/nginx.pid;
include /usr/local/apps/nginx/etc/modsecurity*.conf;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
error_log /usr/local/apps/nginx/var/log/error_log debug;
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
'$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
'"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';
access_log /usr/local/apps/nginx/var/log/web.access.log main;
sendfile on;
#tcp_nopush on;
#keepalive_timeout 0;
keepalive_requests 200;
keepalive_timeout 130;
#gzip on;
client_max_body_size 200M;
# If your domain names are long, increase this parameter.
server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;
# To hide the version number in headers
server_tokens off;
include /usr/local/apps/nginx/etc/conf.d/*.conf;
Here is my PHP-FPM conf
pm.max_children = 5
pm.start_servers = 0
pm.min_spare_servers = 1
pm.max_spare_servers = 5
pm.max_requests = 20
pm.process_idle_timeout = 10
request_terminate_timeout = 120s
Can anyone tell me what should configuration would be. The main problem is, the server sometime lead to 502 bad gateway where the resource is still fine.