
Can I ask rdiff-backup to ignore metadata-only changes?

in flag

I’m willing to use rdiff-backup to backup the content of a dynamically-modified DNS zone. I have written a simple script that performs an AXFR transfer of the zone to a temporary directory, and then runs rdiff-backup to backup the temporary directory.

It works fine except that, each time I run the script, a new dump is generated, and rdiff-backup detects that the modification time is different, even if the content did not change.

I have a problem with this, since I cannot use rdiff-backup --list-increments to easily detect when the content of the zone was changed. Moreover, each increment takes some space, although very little, but somewhat significant if the script is run every few seconds over a year.

So, is there a way, when I run rdiff-backup -b to tell it that it should not consider a file different if only its timestamps are different?

Andrew Lowther avatar
es flag
Looks like a feature request exists
user2233709 avatar
in flag
Thanks @AndrewLowther for the pointer. I definitely should have looked at the github page (especially the issues) before asking here.
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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