
How to rewrite URL using NGINX to hide index.php inside multiple subfolders that change frequently?

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So we have a PHP development server where each dev has a personal subdomain like with a corresponding NGINX config.

Devs check out a branch of our repo into folders like this:

  • /var/www/html/dev-abc/branch-X
  • /var/www/html/dev-abc/branch-Y
  • /var/www/html/dev-abc/branch-Z

URL pattern:{BRANCH}/index.php/{MODULE}/{CLASS}/?event={EVENT}&otherParamX=Y

{MODULE} is a folder in modules/
{CLASS} is a class file in modules/{MODULE}
{EVENT} is a method inside a class inside modules/{MODULE}

Branches are accessed like so:

We are simply trying to rewrite the URL to:

For all subdirectories under their subdomain.

The NGINX configs look like this:


server {
        server_tokens off;

        listen 80;
        autoindex off;
        root /var/www/html/dev-a;

        error_log /home/dev-abc/nginx-error.log notice;

        include /etc/nginx/includes/dev_sandbox;

        rewrite_log on;

Note: /etc/nginx/includes/dev_sandbox includes a lot of stuff for headers and CORS so I won't post it unless it's needed because it's long.

I have tried the following:

Attempt 1:

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;

NGINX throws: ^(.+.php)(/.+)" does not match "/index.php" Also getting "File not found" in the browser

Attempt 2:

location ~(.+)/(.+) {
    try_files $uri $1/index.php/$2;


Does not work:

Attempt 3:

location ~(.+)/(.+)/(.+) {
    try_files $uri $1/control.php/$2/$3;


Does not work:

"/var/www/html/dev-abc/branch-X/report/index.php" is not found

jp flag

Repetition operators like * and + are greedy. So the first capture in (.+)/(.+) takes everything until the last / (with at least one character following it). So the behaviour of your Attempt 2 is entirely expected.

You can use the lazy repetition operators instead, like *? and +?, for example:

location ~ (.+?)/(.+) { ... }

Or you can use a character class that matches only characters which are not / (remembering that the first character is always a /), for example:

location ~ (/[^/]+)/(.+) { ... }

Although not strictly necessary in this case, but you should probably add anchors around the expression as you are only interested in matching the entire URI, for example:

location ~ ^(.+?)/(.+)$ { ... }


location ~ ^(/[^/]+)/(.+)$ { ... }

Important Note

Regular expression location blocks are evaluated in order until a match is found. Make sure that your location ^(.+.php)(/.+) block appears first in the order, to avoid a redirection loop.

WeaponX86 avatar
bm flag
Thank you for the reply. I tried this but same result as attempt #2 above ` location ~ ^(/[^/]+)/(.+)$ { try_files $uri $1/index.php/$2/$3; }` Works: Does not work:

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