
Promtail - syslog configuration only logs localhost for hostname and IP

tr flag

I have a number of boxes that run docker containers. To keep a record of all the logs, we have 1 instance of logspout on every box that grabs all container logs on that box, and routes it to a syslog-ng instance (docker container) on a central host which stores it to a specific path.

I'm trying to extend this setup to use grafana/loki. Problem is that the __syslog_connection_hostname label always evaluates to "[local host fdqn].,[hostname],localhost.localdomain." no matter where the logs come from. I know syslog-ng knows where the actual hosts are, because the route that we store the logs are is something like: date_underscore/hostname/containername.log

I've tried setting keep-hostname(yes) in syslog-ng, no dice. Not sure what I'm missing.

syslog-ng conf

@version: 3.37
@include "scl.conf"
options {
source s_network {
destination d_local {
  file("/logs/${YEAR}_${MONTH}_${DAY}/${HOST_FROM}/${PROGRAM}.log" perm(0755) create_dirs(yes));
destination d_loki {
  syslog("localhost" transport("tcp") port(1514));
log {

promtail conf snippet

- job_name: syslog
    idle_timeout: 60s
    label_structured_data: yes
      job: "syslog"
    - source_labels: ['__syslog_message_hostname']
      target_label: 'container_name'
    - source_labels: ['__syslog_connection_hostname']
      target_label: 'hostname'
    - source_labels: ['__syslog_connection_ip_address']
      target_label: 'ip'
    - source_labels: ['__syslog_message_severity']
      target_label: 'severity'
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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