
ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, None of your local nameservers can be authoritatively resolved

ae flag

I have server on ubuntu which contains PHP,MYSQL, laravel. I have laravel pr oject and everything is working well when i went to server ip. but also i have domain. I want to use domain. Actually i install bind. In /etc/bind/named.conf.options i add my server ip. Then restarted with this sudo systemctl restart bind9.service. In /etc/bind/named.conf.local i add my domain for example:

zone "" {
type master;
file "/etc/bind/";

then run sudo cp /etc/bind/db.local /etc/bind/ change last with my domain file).

in /etc/bind/

           ; BIND data file for
             $TTL    604800
              @       IN      SOA (
                          2         ; Serial
                     604800         ; Refresh
                      86400         ; Retry
                    2419200         ; Expire
                     604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL

          @       IN      NS
          @       IN      A
          @       IN      AAAA    ::1
          ns      IN      A

i have 4 ns records, i added everything. Then restarted bind service. Next i went to my domain and it gives me error


I cleared my browser's dns cache but nothing changed. Also i checked it with Local NS Tests and it gives some errors:

FAIL: Nameserver name is not a valid domain name.
None of your local nameservers can be authoritatively resolved, and no glue is provided. This 
will cause intermittent resolution failures when the cached local NS records are used to 
 resolve your domain.
Your local nameservers do not match the names of the nameservers provided by the parent 
servers, and the local nameserver names are not resolveable. This indicates the local 
nameserver names are incorrect, and they should be corrected to match the ones provided by the 
parent nameservers.
FAIL: This value is extremely high. The recommended values per RFC1912 are 3600-10800 (1 to 3 

hours). This value is primarily used for negative caching. This is how long a dns cache will cache that a record does not exist before trying to look it up again. Your nameservers did not return any MX records for your domain! This will cause mail servers to use the A record for as the mail exchanger.

Then also i changed db.local file and now it contains information about my domain, ns records, A records, names and etc.

Wilson Hauck avatar
jp flag
Are you creating a local DNS or a public DNS for your applications? Someone should be able to assist you.

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