
how export get-vm info to csv file in PowerShell?

in flag

How can I export this output to csv file ?

I have this output from below get-vm command:

Get-VM | Select Name, PowerState, GuestId, @{N="VM Config File";E={$_.extensiondata.config.files.vmpathname}}

Name           : test-vm
PowerState     : PoweredOff
GuestId        : rhel7_64Guest
VM Config File : [DS_001] test-vm/test-vm.vmx

Name           : test-vm2
PowerState     : PoweredOn
GuestId        : sles12_64Guest
VM Config File : [DS_002] test-vm2/test-vm2.vmx

I would like to add also VLAN info get-vm | Get-NetworkAdapter |Select NetworkName

Final Output should be this:

NAME, POWERSTATE, GuestiD, VM Config File, NetworkName
test-vm, PoweredOff,rhel7_64Guest, [DS_001] test-vm/test-vm.vmx, VLAN-100
test-vm2, PoweredOn,sles12_64Guest, [DS_002] test-vm2/test-vm2.vmx, VLAN-200
ch flag

A way to get all the VMware system results into one csv file.

This essentially...

  1. Exports the VM data excluding the network name into a csv1.csv file.
  2. Exports the VM data containing the network name into a csv2.csv file.
  3. Uses Write-Output to explicitly define the header columns into a Merged.csv file.
  4. Uses Import-Csv against the csv1.csv file and loops that over a For-EachObject.
  5. Within the For-EachObject loop it:
    • defines a $name variable with the value of $_.Name (from csv1)
    • defines an $oName variable for the NetworkName (from csv2) using Import-Csv against the csv2.csv where its Name value is the same as the current iterated Name [$name] in csv1
    • uses Write-Output to specify all the properties and variables in order matching the column headers
      • uses PowerShell subexpression operators enclosing them in $() and separates each by a comma
        • encloses the entire group of subexpression operators with double quotes then pipes that over to Out-File using the -Append parameter and points to the the final Merged.csv file for the preferred output.


Get-VM  | 
Select Name, PowerState, GuestId, 
    @{N="VM Config File";E={$_.extensiondata.config.files.vmpathname}} |
        Export-Csv "C:\Temp\csv1.csv" -NoTypeInformation;

Get-VM | Get-NetworkAdapter | Select @{n="Name";e={$_.Parent}}, 
     NetworkName | Export-Csv "C:\Temp\csv2.csv" -NoTypeInformation;

Write-Output 'Name, Powerstate, GuestId, VM Config File, NetworkName' | Out-File "C:\Temp\Merged.csv";
Import-Csv "C:\Temp\csv1.csv" | % {
    $name = $_.Name;
    $oName = (Import-Csv C:\Temp\csv2.csv | ? {$_.Name -eq $name} | Select NetworkName).NetworkName;
    Write-Output "$($_.Name), $($_.PowerState), $($_.GuestId), $($_.'VM Config File'), $($oName)" | Out-File "C:\Temp\Merged.csv" -Append;

Supporting Resources

  • Export-Csv


    Remove the #TYPE information header from the output. This parameter became the default in PowerShell 6.0 and is included for backwards compatibility.

  • ForEach-Object

    Standard Aliases for Foreach-Object: the '%' symbol, ForEach

  • Where-Object

    The '?' symbol and Where are both aliases for Where-Object. If you explicitly want to run the Where-Object command, run Where-object or '?'

  • PowerShell Operators $( ) @( ) :: &

    $( ) Subexpression operator.

    While a simple ( ) grouping expression means 'execute this part first', a subexpression $( ) means 'execute this first and then treat the result like a variable'.

  • Out-File


    Add the output to the end of an existing file, instead of replacing the file contents. You need to ensure the -encoding matches any existing content in the target file

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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