
How to build OpenLDAP in windows and get binaries?

dj flag

How can i get binaries for these tools: [ldapadd ldapcompare ldapdelete ldapexop ldapmodify ldapmodrdn ldappasswd ldapsearch ldapurl ldapvc ldapwhoami]

I tried to build openLDAP version 2.6.3 from here: in windows but i couldn't manage it then i get build it in Kali Linux and using these commands from this webpage

make depend
make install

but i still not getting binaries. Hase anyone tips or experience and can me support.

Thanks alot

dj flag

openldap version 2.6.3 is vorhanden as package in cygwin Environment so one can install cygwin from and during installation choose view: Full, search: openldap and check openldap package: This will install these tools [ldapadd ldapcompare ldapdelete ldapexop ldapmodify ldapmodrdn ldappasswd ldapsearch ldapurl ldapvc ldapwhoami]

under c:\cygwin\bin

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