I am assuming the server you're wishing to protect is a single standalone machine and remember this is offline/LAN only.
If there were a power outage, it would impact the whole site, in which case you should be looking into a UPS or generator for redundancy.
If you're looking at being able to take the server offline for maintenance and still have full (or partial) service available, then you would need to have a NAS for storage... you can mirror copies of data but this is problematic if you have an outage and changes are made to the secondary copy, you'd need to figure out which versions to use and recombine them.
... you could always use something like rsync to mirror to a hot-spare and have the storage there read-only but this feels like a lot of effort and maintenance for an unlikely situation when a NAS is a much easier setup to manage and pretty simple to mirror a NAS to another NAS for backup depending on which system you implement (take a look at TrueNAS).
Assuming you chose to move the data to a NAS, perhaps mounted over NFS on a VLAN onto your current server you would likely need a clone of this server always online and ready to go in case the primary went offline... this feels a little wasteful, it's perhaps better to share all load across two (or more) servers all the time and if one were to go down a load balancer would just remove it from the IP.
This suggestion would obviously require a load balancer, either hardware or software.
For a small office network, a hardware load balancer is about 30 quid from Amazon (NB this is 10/100, not GB) and a software option could be ipvs or if you have the hardware available take a look at pfSense which is free to download.
... and finally depending on your plans, your server could be virtualised, in which case you could run multiple instances of your office server load balanced on the same physical host.
I've made a boat load of assumptions about what you have in mind and your current setup, but i hope this helps.