
Make nginx look for credentials in "Proxy-Authorization" header, so it works with apt

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I have an nginx in front of an apt-cacher-ng. The nginx's job is to terminate HTTPS and take care of authentication.

The issue is, that nginx will look in the Authorization header for credentials, but when I configure apt to use a proxy, it will send the credentials in the Proxy-Authorization header. So apt gets 401 as a response.

Is there a way to make nginx look for credentials in the Proxy-Authorization header?

us flag

I found a workaround:

Instead of using the http_proxy env-variable or Acquire::http::proxy in apt.conf, I can change the sources.list as described in the apt-cacher-ng documentation and apt will use the correct header.
For example: deb buster main becomes deb buster main

I would still be interested in the "clean" solution, though.


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