
dead ssd drive on zfs points to initramfs

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I have an ssd drive with failed controller and which was a part of a mirrored zfs vdev. Now it boots into initramfs and says that it can't import pool "rpool". when i issue

zpool import -f rpool 

it says that there's no such pool or dataset. However, in "zpool import" can see that rpool has status UNAVAIL because of insufficient replicas. i would like to replace the dead drive with a new one. I have tried:

1) zpool replace
2) zpool offline
3) zpool detach

and everytime i get that there's no such pool or dataset. The only way i got it working was by importing as read only by using:

echo "1" | sudo tee /sys/module/zfs/parameters/zfs_max_missing_tvds
zpool import -o readonly=on rpool

output of zpool import as a screenshot: I have it mounted as read-only and the zpool status output is:

Mounting as read-only boots into the OS. However since it's mounted as readonly i can't actually make any changes to the pool like replacing the damaged drive. Any suggestions?

Romeo Ninov avatar
in flag
Have you try to backup the information, destroy the pool and recreate it?
Meni avatar
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@RomeoNinov Unfortunately i don't have backups of the pool :(
Romeo Ninov avatar
in flag
As I read you can import it as r/o which is enough to make backup
Meni avatar
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@RomeoNinov i actually haven't thought about it until now. I guess you're right, i could restore from it. Isn't there a much easier option like just replacing the faulty drive? What is the meaning of having a mirrored pool if i can't just replace the drive? it should be an easy process, like using mdadm.
Romeo Ninov avatar
in flag
`mdadm` is not about ZFS. And this is root filesystem so it's not so sample (especially on PC hardware)
Meni avatar
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Any other suggestions?
Romeo Ninov avatar
in flag
Try to use original Solaris (live CD) and not install but try to manage the pool.
drookie avatar
za flag
Where's the second device from a mirror ? Unless there's no second device (means you now have non-redundant pool) all you can do is to accept the loss of data.
Meni avatar
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@drookie the pool consists of 2 mirrored devices. there shouldnt be any data loss.
drookie avatar
za flag
I don't see any `zpool status` output, only some vague stories. Doubt there's even a pool.
Meni avatar
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@drookie i have added a screenshot in the original question.
za flag

Your rpool is merely a span. I don't see a mirror configuration at all (by the way it should be marked as UNAVAIL, I don't understand why it's DEGRADED, but you are probably running some old zfs version). Accept the loss of data, apreciate the experience. Two other pools are unaffected.

Meni avatar
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Thank you forinvesting your time in this, i really appreciate it. if i mount it as read-only it boots the OS and all files are intact. please checkout screenshot:
Meni avatar
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I guess i didn't want to accept the inevitable. Thank you for clarifying. i appreciate it.
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