
nginx: [warn] server name has suspicious symbols with long domain redirect

co flag

What is the best way in Nginx to redirect two Long domains URLS, I would like to configure a redirect between two domains like this:

I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find a solution that works.

original link:

New link

I have tried this :

server {
    listen 80;
    listen 443 ssl;
    return 301 $scheme://$request_uri;

Still receive some errors

nginx: [warn] server name "education/7/abc-scienc
" has suspicious symbols in /etc/nginx/conf.d/redirect.conf:9

nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

duplicate question as :

do these changes work for me :

server {
    listen 80;
    #old url
    location /education/7/abc-science {
        # Unique handler for the URL you want to redirect.
        # new url
        return 301 $scheme://;

or do I need to add $request_uri; inside the location block

do I need to use this way to redirect from my old URL to the new one?

location = /content/unique-page-name {
  return 301 /new-name/unique-page-name;

Can anyone help me with this? What is wrong here?

Any help is appreciated! thanks!

Ginnungagap avatar
gu flag
Don't cross-post questions, if it belongs on SF ask it here, it it doesn't ask it on SO ; not both.
us flag

nginx documentation states that server_name is the virtual server name (domain name) of the virtual host.

The documentation also explains what kind of input is allowed there.

You are trying to add a URL instead of domain, that is why the configuration is invalid.

You need to add a location block for the URI part of the URL.

Santosh Baruah avatar
co flag
ok, could you pl describe a bit with an example from my case?
Lex Li avatar
vn flag
@SantoshBaruah a search engine can return you millions of examples if the key words are "nginx" "config" "redirect" "example".
Santosh Baruah avatar
co flag
Thanks , do I need to add $request_uri; in the location, block to redirect to my old URL to the new Url ?
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