
Singularity vs. Podman for HPC workloads?

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Singularity is said to work well for HPC workloads. RedHat is making an effort to make Podman more usable for HPC, e.g. it (and I presume this is with their ubi8 image) is said to work with MPI. That's about all I know. Does anyone have an opinion on which of these tools would work best for HPC users?

One think I like about Singularity is that it is relatively easy for users to mount file systems into their containers. Are there other points to consider? E.g., will Podman work with InfiniBand? With multi-node jobs? Which has better support including RedHat paid support as a given? Should I be considering Apptainer or SingularityCE/Pro if Sylabs is still in business?

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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