
kube-apiserver started to die on start-up after a few months of good work - how can I check its logs?

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The stage: a control plane machine, kubernetes 1.24.3 on a baremetal Ubuntu 22.04, installed with kubeadm, there is also one worker node. The whole set-up worked like a charm for 4 months until some unknown silent kaboom yesterday (I actually don't exclude a sudden hardware issue)

The problem: port 6443 is listed by netstat for the first few minutes after the control plane machine start-up, and then disappears. While it's on, the apiserver is irresponsive anyway - any connection attempt to it is reset by the peer. I.e. there should be some serious problems on the kube-apiserver side, but I can't figure out what it's unhappy with.

I checked some obvious things - ip address didn't change, enough disk space, k8s' certificates are not expired. So I need to check kube-apiserver logs somehow.

As for the logs, the official page says:

On systemd-based systems, you may need to use journalctl instead of examining log files.

But... what component should I run journalctl for?? If I run it for kubelet (journalctl -u kubelet), I don't see much of the logs related to apiserver apart from "can't connect to :6443"

And I don't see any service named kube-apiserver or alike when I run e.g. just systemctl... Also, there are no logs in /var/log/ (not surprising since it's a systemd-based system, but I checked nevertheless)

I wonder is there a way to check the apiserver's logs, or is there some gotcha that I'm missing? Would appreciate any help on this subject!

Mikha avatar
cn flag
@larsks uhhuh! I use containerd, so got it... that's a good lead, thanks. I will try it on Monday, will write the result down here. Thanks!
Mikha avatar
cn flag
@larsks You were absolutely right. Looking into pod logs on the control plane helped. TL/DR: etcd data corruption So logs for a pod with kube-apiserver I saw this: "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused" 2379 turns out to be an ETCD port, and its pod log is showing this: "error":"walpb: crc mismatch". There is enough disk space. Might be a bug somewhere, but probably a HW issue, as noticed e.g. here: As I understand, I can't recover the etcd, so reinstall it is.
Mikha avatar
cn flag
@larsks if you put what you already wrote as an answer, I'll be happy to mark it as an accepted one. Thanks!
pt flag
Glad it helped! I've moved my comment to an answer.
pt flag

On my clusters, kube-apiserver runs in a pod (and logs are available via kubectl logs).

If the apiserver was down, I would log into a node directly and use the container runtime to examine the container logs (e.g., crictl logs or docker logs or whatever is appropriate for your system).

For example:

# Find the kube-apiserver pod
root@infra-control-plane:/# crictl pods | grep kube-apiserver
ca01411d447a6       3 days ago          Ready               kube-apiserver-infra-control-plane                  kube-system          0                   (default)
# Find container in that pod
root@infra-control-plane:/# crictl ps --pod ca01411d447a6
CONTAINER           IMAGE               CREATED             STATE               NAME                ATTEMPT             POD ID              POD
44da6bf198244       400e6a4878256       3 days ago          Running             kube-apiserver      0                   ca01411d447a6       kube-apiserver-infra-control-plane
# Look at logs for that container
root@infra-control-plane:/# crictl logs 44da6bf198244 |& tail -2
Trace[1944612718]: ---"Writing http response done" 1254ms (21:59:45.444)
Trace[1944612718]: [1.255113794s] [1.255113794s] END
Mikha avatar
cn flag
Awesome, thanks @larsks ! Like I wrote, that's exactly what helped. Cheers!

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