
iptables: can't drop incoming DNS responses containing a specific IP address

cy flag

I want to drop incoming DNS responses that contain How can I do that?

I tried to it this way:

iptables -I INPUT -m udp -p udp --sport 53 -m string --algo kmp --hex-string '|31 30 02 31 30 02 33 34 02 33 35|' -j DROP

But it simply doesn't drop them and I still receive them. However simply doing iptables -I INPUT -m udp -p udp --sport 53 -j DROP blocks all of them coming from port 53, but I want to select a portion of them which contain as a response.

cn flag

First, DNS uses UDP and TCP.

Second, the wire representation of an A record is defined in RFC 1035 as such:

3.4.1. A RDATA format

    |                    ADDRESS                    |


ADDRESS         A 32 bit Internet address.

So an IPv4 address is not encoded as a string as you are attempting to match, but as a 32bits integer, so with the values 10, 10, 34, 35

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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