
Assign an AD Group Read only Permission to Multiple User Home Drive Folders using CSV list

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I'm trying to put together a script to perform the following task:

First to add an AD Security Group named "ADMigration" and assign it (Read access) to a large list of User Home Drives (folders) contained in a CSV file.

I have a master user list CSV file with the home drive location/path and would like to leverage the list to apply the new permissions to the ACL of each user home folders.

I have been reading so many articles on assigning permission using Set-ACL, Get-ACL and modules like ADD-NTFDAccess etc, but have now got to the point where I'm confusing myself.

Could I please ask one of you clever people to possibly assist me with a script to accomplish this or at least point me in the best direction or way of achieving the above, or perhaps have done something similar in the past and can share a script?

Would really appreciate all your input and any suggestions you have please.

Many thanks



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