
Cannot delete corrupted SVN repository in VisualSVN Server

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I have been using VisualSVN Server (version 3.9.7). Recently one of the SVN repositories is somehow corrupted and I would like to delete the repository and its database from the filesystem. However, I get the following error when I try to delete the repository:

Can't remove directory '<PATH_TO_REPOSITORY>\db\revprops\0': The directory is not empty.

I also see the following message on the VisualSVN Server control panel when I try to click on the repository name:

Unable to access repository
Failed to load module for FS type 'bdb'

I tried to manually delete the repository from the VisualSVN Server PowerShell after stopping the services; however, received the following error:

The item at E:\REPOSITORY\TURBO_CORRUPTED has children and the Recurse parameter was not
specified. If you continue, all children will be removed with the item. Are you sure you want to
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): A
rmdir : The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.
At line:1 char:1
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : WriteError: (E:\REPOSITORY\TURBO_CORRUPTED:String) [Remove-
   Item], IOException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RemoveItemIOError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand

tw flag

Upgrade the server to a supported version and see if it helps. Version 3.9.x is not supported starting from December 31, 2019. Current version is 5.1.x.

Note that you can also remove the repository <PATH_TO_REPOSITORY> using Windows File Explorer.

Update 1

I see the following error:

rmdir : The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable.

This error can indicate hardware problems with your disk. Did you run chkdsk?

You need to check the health of your disk and replace it if its faulty.

yildizabdullah avatar
id flag
I tried deleting the repository from the file explorer but it didn't work.
yildizabdullah avatar
id flag
I also added a new content to the original post. Could you please check it?
bahrep avatar
tw flag
@yildizabdullah The error is`rmdir : The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable`. I guess that your disk is broken and has to be replaced. I've updated the answer.
yildizabdullah avatar
id flag
I am currently backing up the existing repositories. After that I will try to run `chkdsk`.
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