
Traefik fails to obtain letsencrypt certificate for internal domain: DNS update failed: dns: bad signature

cn flag

my goal is to be able to obtain certificates for "internal" domains using traefik. With "internal", I mean there is no public A record. For this reason, I won't be able to use the http challenge offered by letsencrypt. Therefore, I am trying to configure traefik's certresolver to use the dns01 challenge.

What I have achieved so far:

  • bind is configured to accept dynamic updates using the key traefik-key
  • adding and removing TXT records using the key mentioned above with nsupdate works

What does not work:

  • traefik is not able to successfully request a certificate:[WARN] [] acme: cleaning up failed: rfc2136: failed to remove: DNS update failed: dns: bad signature "

Enabling the dns01 challenge should be easy:

      email: [email protected]
      storage: /etc/traefik/acme.json
        provider: rfc2136

Those environment variables are set within the traefik container (key is obviously not the real one):

What is the matter with my configuration? Do I maybe still need an A record? Bad signature sounds like an issue with TSIG, but I can't find it and as already mentioned, the key/secret combination works with nsupdate.

Not to mention, there isn't any entry in the log of the nameserver about a successful/failed attempt to add a TXT record. Only when I omit the TSIG configuration, it returns the status NOTIMP instead of the message above.

Thank you for your help!

herrhannes avatar
cn flag
Well no... As I already mentioned: that's *not* my real key ;)
vidarlo avatar
ar flag
Never mind then =)
cn flag

Ah forget it.

Not to mention, there isn't any entry in the log of the nameserver about a successful/failed attempt to add a TXT record.

Was the hint I didn't get yesterday. Once upon a time (long ago), I wasn't too happy with browsers using their own DNS. So, I redirected every lookup to my own DNS. The same happened to the acme script, trying to create the TXT record.

Without this redirection it works as a charm.


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