
Want to redirect URL and change slug to url parameter

tj flag

I am stuck with a mod rewriting on Apache htaccess.

my URL looks like this :


I want it to redirect like this:


I am using the following code :

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteRule ^(\w+)$ ./redirect.php?id=$1

Please help

kz flag
The script you've posted should already do as you require (although you should remove the `./` prefix from the _substitution_ string). Have you enabled `.htaccess` overrides in the server config? (`.htaccess` files are an _optional extra_ - they are not processed by default.)
Anjali avatar
tj flag
yes htaccess is configured in httpd conf file and removing ./ prefix wont help
kz flag
So what happens exactly? Are you getting an error? Undesirable response? Nothing? Where are the `.htaccess` and `redirect.php` files located? Do you have any other directives in the `.htaccess` file? How is your server configured? Try writing some "nonsense" at the top of the `.htaccess` file - do you get an error?
Anjali avatar
tj flag
all files located in root directory. I am getting 404 error URL not found when trying to access http://localhost/Ac5GRnXW. I don't have any other directive in htaccess file. writing some nonsense at top of it gives 500 error for internal server.
kz flag
To clarify, requesting `/redirect.php?id=Ac5GRnXW` directly works as intended? Try (temporarily) changing the rewrite into an external redirect, ie. `RewriteRule ^(\w+)$ /redirect.php?id=$1 [R,L]` (note that the subst string starts with a slash in this instance). What happens? Are you redirected?
Anjali avatar
tj flag
RewriteRule ^(\w+)$ <- even this wont work
kz flag
Remove the two `RewriteCond` directives.
Anjali avatar
tj flag
removing two conditions even wont work
kz flag
And you have no other directives in the `.htaccess` file?
Anjali avatar
tj flag
yes I have no other directives in htaccess file
kz flag
Remove the existing rule and try the following: `RewriteRule ^foo$ /bar [R,L]` - Request `/foo`, are you redirected to `/bar`?
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