
Can a VirtualBox instance that has a bridge network on it access another network?

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First of all, I'm really sorry if I am asking a super dump question. I've searched everything on the internet but couldn't find the right answer.

I'm building a K8S cluster on VirtualBox using Vagrant. All instances are successfully configured to the network ( "my physical router, and the physical server has connected with it"). My laptop has connected to the same router but in a different subnet (, and if I ping and ssh to my physical server (which is it works fine. But if I ping or ssh to the instance (it has I created on my physical server, it doesn't work. Then my physical server connects with the instance through ssh or ping. The physical server and instances connect are working fine with each other, but not working with a different network.

Here is the Vagrantfile:

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config|

  config.vm.provision "shell", path: ""

  config.vm.define "etcd1" do |etcdnode|                 = "generic/ubuntu2004"
    etcdnode.vm.box_check_update    = false
    etcdnode.vm.box_version         = "3.3.0"
    etcdnode.vm.hostname            = "" "public_network", ip: ""

    etcdnode.vm.provider :virtualbox do |v|    = "etcd1"
      v.memory  = 2048
      v.cpus    = 2



If I do traceroute to (the VirtualBox instance) from 192.168.94.x:

traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
 1 (  63.755 ms  15.327 ms  5.765 ms
 2  * * *
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But If I do traceroute to my physical server ( from 192.168.94.x:

traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
 1 (  5.980 ms  2.689 ms  9.477 ms
 2  * * *
 3 (  10.966 ms  5.057 ms  4.532 ms
I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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