Further elaborating what the title says: basically I have an Ubuntu 20.05.5 bare metal server that I am renting from a third party provider.
Every time I run a generic software update that includes kernel modules, I also need to reboot the machine: after I give the command sudo reboot
, of course I am kicked out of the server, but the problem is, after waiting several minutes for it to come back online, it simply does not.
The first time this happened, I was trying to access it again through SSH, which was not working, then, thinking it might be a SSH daemon or firewall issue, I tried pinging it, which also did not work (at this point I thought there might be a network or DNS issue). Eventually I found out that I could require a manual shutdown of the server through the portal of the provider, which let the server back online: when I accessed it I checked the journal logs, but there was no log at all between the time of the reboot and the time of the startup that followed the manual shutdown. I also contacted the provider to run hardware diagnostics, but they said the hardware should be fine.
At the moment my choices would be to:
a) keep requiring a physical shutdown every time it is needed, which is not very sustainable since the waiting times are not great
b) completely reset the system and check if the problem is in fact coming from the hardware or from some process which is not closed properly perhaps, which would require a complete backup and resetting a complex application (not incredibly painful, but I would avoid it if there was an alternative solution)
For the sake of precision, the commands I use to run the updates are
sudo apt-get update # update repositories lists
apt list --upgradable # check which packages are going to be upgraded
sudo apt-get upgrade
I also checked more thoroughly the system journal, but there are no error logs that would seem related to the issue.
Thank you in advance for any help I may receive