
How to manage multiple environments for an app on Ubuntu with Apache server?

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I have a PHP app and I would like to host staging, demo, and production servers from one instance on Linode. The challenge I am running into is loading different environment variables for each server.

I have created multiple .conf files in /etc/apache2/sites-available/ which look like this:

<VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerAdmin [email protected]
     DocumentRoot /var/www/example-app/public
     ErrorLog /var/www/example-app/writable/logs/errors.stag.log
     CustomLog /var/www/example-app/writable/logs/access.stag.log combined
     RewriteEngine on
     RewriteCond %{SERVER_NAME}
     RewriteRule ^ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [END,NE,R=permanent]

I have tried creating .sh files for each server in the /etc/profile.d/ directory that include all the environment variables, which look like this:

export ENV1="abc"
export ENV2="def"

But I don't know how I can load that file in the .conf file. I have also tried explicitly setting an APP_ENV variable in the .conf (i.e. SetEnv APP_ENV staging). I would then check the APP_ENV variable in the PHP code (i.e. getenv("APP_ENV")) and based on that, I could then read the correct .sh file and load the environment variables in that file into $_ENV. However, for some reason, the APP_ENV variable is not showing up when I retrieve all the environment variables in my PHP code (i.e. print_r getenv()). When I do that, only the variables set in the /etc/apache2/envvars are listed.

I am new to Ubuntu and Linode (previously, I only used managed servers), so it is possible I am missing something simple, so any help you can provide, would be much appreciated.

je flag

PHP environnement variables are not the same as your system ones or apache ones.

If you want to set an APP_ENV environment variable that could be retrieved from your PHP code using getenv("APP_ENV"), you shall consider declaring it in your php.ini file. (better explanation here: )

  1. Go to /etc/php/XX/apache2/php.ini (where XX depends of your PHP version)
  2. Add a variable (example: APP_ENV = "PROD")
  3. Read it from your PHP code getenv("APP_ENV")

Does it helps? Best regards.

Evan Appleby avatar
gu flag
Thank you. That explains why the system environment variables weren't accessible to the PHP code. Is there a preferred way to determine which server is being loaded (e.g. staging or production), so the APP_ENV variable can be set correctly?
petitradisgris avatar
je flag
If i understand well what you want to do. Inside your apache <VirtualHost *:80> directive, you may add a "SetEnv APP_ENV XXXX" (where XXXX is what you want). Like that, your PHP will be able to retrieve the APP_ENV variable modified corresponding to your virtual_host. This is something that you may also specify in servers .htaccess files.
Evan Appleby avatar
gu flag
Yes, that is what I assumed, but when I then try to retrieve that variable in my PHP code, I don't see any results. I've tried each of these in my PHP code: `print_r($_ENV);` `print_r($_SERVER);` `echo apache_getenv("APP_ENV");` `echo $_SERVER["APP_ENV"];` and `echo getenv("APP_ENV");`
petitradisgris avatar
je flag
Okay i see. In your `php-fpm.conf` file, try to find the directive `clear_env` and set it to 'no'. `clear_env = no`. Then restart php-fpm, and restart apache2. And try again displaying the variable.
Evan Appleby avatar
gu flag
Thanks again for all your help here. Unfortunately, this didn't work for me. For reference, this is what I did. 1. `apt-get install php-fpm` 2. `nano /etc/php/8.1/fpm/pool.d/www.conf` 3. uncommented `clear_env = no` 4. `systemctl start php8.1-fpm.service` 5. `systemctl reload apache2`
petitradisgris avatar
je flag
Just a question: may you confirm which php configuration file is linked to your apache2 server? Its in your apache.conf file.
Evan Appleby avatar
gu flag
In my phpinfo.php page, it shows the php configuration file as /etc/php/8.1/apache2/php.ini. I don't see a apache.conf file, but I do see a apache2.conf in the /etc/apache2 directory. That file doesn't seem to refer to any php config file though.
Evan Appleby avatar
gu flag
Just to follow-up on this, I believe the variables set with SetEnv were not available in the PHP code because I did not have the mod_php module enabled (h/t to Rather than enable that, which would have conflicted with multi-threaded modules that I have installed, I instead relied on the host to determine which environment to load, then pretty much followed your directions. Thanks again for the assistance.
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