
unable to start java using shell script from /etc/rc.loal file

gi flag

i have a java based web application and using Apache server.

once centos reboots java process not running again even existing java process killing and for that i created a script to start apache, cassandra and java process. apche server and cassandra starting but java not starting

for debugging i added echos in my script and appending echo to a file and am able to see the all echo's.

i tried these changes: in /root path

echo '111111' >> /root/temp.txt
service cassandra start

service httpd start
echo '2222222' >> /root/temp.txt
prid=$(ps aux| egrep '[A]PI_Controller.jar' | awk '{print $2}')
echo $prid >> /root/temp.txt

if [ -z "$prid" ]
        echo "No process to kill"
        kill -9 $prid
        echo "Successfully service stopped"
echo '33333333' >> /root/temp.txt
pridold=$(ps aux| egrep '[B]lacklist.jar' | awk '{print $2}')
echo $pridold >> /root/temp.txt

if [ -z "$pridold" ]
        echo "No process to kill"
        kill -9 $pridold
        echo "Successfully service stopped old jar file"
echo '444444444' >> /root/temp.txt
nohup java -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -jar API_Controller.jar &
echo '5555555555' >> /root/temp.txt

echo "Successfully service started"

/etc/rc.local file (changed to execute mode)

touch /var/lock/subsys/local
nohup sh  /root/ &

after rebooting centos i got prints like below in temp.txt




if i run manually from /etc/ java able to staring but i need to do it automatically.

please help me where i am doing wrong since i am new to shell script

Thank you

michael avatar
ru flag
might I also recommend logging the output of the `java` command, e.g., `java > /var/log/some_logfile.log 2>&1 </dev/null` (note I'm adding the option to close `stdin` but that's unrelated to capturing output and just there because it's common w/ `nohup`). I'm guessing you'll have to set at least `JAVA_HOME` (i.e.: `export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/java_home`, such that `java` is `$JAVA_HOME/bin/java`) and possibly other env vars that might be necessary for the application to run (eg `$LD_LIBRARY_PATH`? but I'm just guessing; these are in your env when you run it manually but not for startup scripts)
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