
Change upstream response from 302 to 301 in nginx

cn flag

I have a Django app as an upstream using Gunicorn in nginx, and that app sometimes sent me back a 302 with a Location. And that it's perfectly fine.

We can't touch Django's code but colleagues need the 302 to be 301.

So I would like to modify that 302 to 301, but I haven't found a way to do it without using LUA. I have tried combinations of "error_page" statement, eg. error_page 302 =301 @redirect; with the "proxy_intercept_errors on;", named location, etc. but haven't had any luck.

Is there any quick way to achieve it? Thanks.

Edit1: Here below my pretty simple upstream:

upstream test {
  server unix:/webapps/test/gunicorn.sock fail_timeout=0;
YonzLeon avatar
de flag
Please add your upstream conf sample txt
cn flag
@YonzLeon added, thanks, it is pretty straightforward.
jp flag

You can change the 3xx status code by using proxy_intercept_errors and error_page as you suggest.

You will need to use the value from $upstream_http_location to reconstruct the Location header in the replacement response.

In its simplest form, you could use:

proxy_intercept_errors on;
error_page 302 = @redirect;
location @redirect {
    return 301 $upstream_http_location;

In this case, $upstream_http_location is the original value for the Location header in the response from the upstream server before being transformed by proxy_redirect - equivalent to using proxy_redirect off;.

This may be sufficient for your needs.

However, if you need to rewrite the Location response header - for example, if you are using proxy_redirect default; - you may need to modify the response using a map.

For example:

map $upstream_http_location $location {
        ~^https?://[^/]+(.*)$    $1;
        default                  /oops;

server {
    proxy_intercept_errors on;
    error_page 302 = @redirect;
    location @redirect {
        return 301 $location;
cn flag
Richard, your simplest form works, but the login stopped working. I noticed that it didn't sent the headers, so I resolved doing location @redirect { add_header Set-Cookie "sessionid=${upstream_cookie_sessionid}; HttpOnly; Path=/; SameSite=Lax"; add_header Set-Cookie "csrftoken=${upstream_cookie_csrftoken}; Path=/; SameSite=Lax"; return 301 $upstream_http_location; } is there any better way of passing headers? Right now I'm missing the "expires" part.
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