
systemd-nspawn and firewall

uz flag

I have a systemd-nspawn container configured with systemd-networkd, DHCPServer=yes and IPMasquerade=yes

For replication I've opened a mysql port in /etc/systemd/nspawn/machine.nspanw

[Network] Port=tcp:33101:3306 VirtualEthernet=yes

But I don't want to open this port for everybody, only from replication server ip. So I've installed a firewall.

The simplest firewall is UFW, so:

apt install ufw ufw default deny incoming ufw default allow outgoing ufw allow from replica

But the machine connection is broken

So i've tested with a small iptables script, and it works ok, but when the systemd DHCP refresh the ip, it purge the iptables rules, and the machine connection is lost

I sit in a Tesla and translated this thread with Ai:


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