
Cluster-autoscaler for Kind clusters

bg flag

I have been using Kind clusters for testing and simulating the behavior of my application, and it has been great so far. I would like to test some senarios involving cluater-autoscaler (CA) without actually spinning nodes in the cloud. The default Kubernetes cluster autoscaler ( doesn't work with Kind clusters. Does a Kubernetes cluater-autoscaler exists for kind clusters?

in flag
Hi David Lifshiz welcome to S.F. I would suspect the answer is no, because I doubt anyone has coded up [a cluster api provider]( for kind, although that does seem like an interesting technical challenge and certainly possible. Have you tried opening a ticket with either the cluster-api repo or kind itself, which I suspect would be the correct home?
bg flag

The answer appears to be: no.

According to this post Kind do not plan to allow adding/removing nodes to an existing cluster. Without the ability to change the number of nodes, a cluster autoscaler would be unnessacery.

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