
What time is used when I set crontab @daily?

co flag

What time is used by crontab when I use the option @daily?
Where is this information stored on Debian/Gnome?
And how can I change this time value?

asktyagi avatar
in flag
@daily is equal to `0 0 * * *`, if you want to change use standard way of crontab.
Module_art avatar
co flag
@asktyagi Is there a way to double check that, like a file where this default value is stored?
jp flag
It is documented in `man 5 crontab`.
co flag

@daily means midnight every day
The information is documented in the manual

$ man 5 crontab

If you want change this value you can use the first five fields:
m h dom mon dow usercommand
0 0 * * * usercommand, means midnight and is the same as @daily

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