
iptables bidirectional nat udp configuration for multiple sources

hr flag

I have the following setup, all udp packets:

client ( -> ( nat_server ( -> ( udp_service

nat_server has to receive incoming udp from client over a public ip and redirect the packet to the udp_service over a private network. Then it has to redirect all the responses from the udp_service back to the client.

The client negotiates connection to a specific port (4244) and then receives data on its random udp port.

The flow can be described with tcpdump. Negotiation:

15:03:48.630928 IP > nat_server.4244: UDP, length 4         
15:03:48.630953 IP nat_server.38541 > UDP, length 4           
15:03:48.680698 IP > nat_server.38541: UDP, length 4          
15:03:48.680707 IP nat_server > UDP, length 4        

Data flow:

15:03:48.680741 IP > nat_server.38541: UDP, length 16           
15:03:48.680743 IP nat_server.43434 > UDP, length 16    

The ports 38541 and 43434 stay the same during the whole connection. I managed to do it with this iptables config:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p udp -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p udp -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE

How can I achieve the same behaviour when there are many clients? So instead of I would like to use a range, e.g.

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