
Local user login on a domain machine, receiving System error 5 occurred Access is denied error

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We are trying to use the command prompt net group from a local login on a workstation.. This workstation is on the domain, but I'm logging in as the local user: .\localuser and not the domain\user.

Command prompt we are using. net group MYDOMAINGROUP /domain

I can't get the command prompt above to run on the .\localuser, but I can get it to run on the Domain\User. How can I get this to work on the .\localuser?

The image below is a screenshot and results from the command prompt. The left command prompt is run as a domain user. the command prompt on the right is run as a local user. The local user is getting an System error 5 occurred Access is denied.. Does anyone know of any group policy objects or ways to get a local user to successfully request information from the domain controller? example

Semicolon avatar
jo flag
What exactly are you trying to achieve with tihs?
jo flag

You would need to allow anonymous/guest users to connect to and read from your domain. This is a bad and insecure practice. What you're trying to do is not advised.

However, if you ran the process under the domain-joined computer's system account, it would be able to use the credentials of the computer account to perform an authenticated query of the domain.


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