
SSL cert questions - PFX to .key , .crt, and. csr for ACM

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I'm a long time lurker but I can't figure something out and wondered if someone can offer guidance.

I am following AWS's tutorial on how to convert pfx to .crt and .key but I have a question.

When removing the password for the privatekey,

openssl rsa -in privatekey.pem -out withoutpw-privatekey.pem 

The output doesn't start and end with


My output always say,

" –BEGIN PRIVATE KEY– and ending with –END PRIVATE KEY– "

Does it matter if the word, RSA, is not in the header and footer when I paste it in the certificate private key section of ACM?

Last question: I ran this to create a CSR:

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout PRIVATEKEY.key -out MYCSR.csr

but when validating the md5 hash, it's different than the .key and .crt. Is that by design? I've only purchased certs from godaddy so the .csr, .key, and .crt always had the same md5. When converting PFX, it's different.

$ openssl req -noout -modulus -in mycsr.csr > csr-mod.txt
$ openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in mycert.crt > cert-mod.txt
$ openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in mykey.key > privkey-mod.txt
$ diff3 csr-mod.txt cert-mod.txt privkey-mod.txt

Thanks for helping!

SrNewbieEngineer avatar
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I think I figured it out. Older versions of Openssl would create PKCS1 (begin RSA private key). Newer versions are PKCS8 (Begin private key), so AWS ACM should accept both standards.
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