
I want to serve https for my python flaskrestful API nginx and waitress server with docker on AWS ec2 ubuntu

mt flag

my api serve http trafic fine, but when I try to serve https it simply does not work. I try generating .pem .key files with certbot but when I run this line

sudo certbot --nginx -d

it doesn't allow it because of some certbot policy probly to do with AWS server or idk.

so I also try to redirect https to http by writing in the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf file by adding these lines

server {
listen 443;
return 301 http://allbackend$request_uri;


and restarting nginx... still won't work

so my question is how to serve https with my current setup.


A. Darwin avatar
my flag
What kind of error do you get if you curl the endpoint using https?

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