
Ansible: How to merge list of dictionary objects with the same key getting one dictionary element with a list of thouse different values grouped?

tc flag

I have been struggled with Ansible for a time and finally requesting for any help if possible,

Having a set of Nifi policies:

"nifi_raw_policies": [
        "action": "read",
        "group": "8c052e6c-0184-1000-0000-000072a0bb44",
        "resource": "/data/process-groups/8b6b5c9f-0184-1000-57e3-f27fc56dd4aa"
        "action": "read",
        "group": "8c0536d8-0184-1000-0000-000018ba98a9",
        "resource": "/data/process-groups/8b6b5c9f-0184-1000-57e3-f27fc56dd4aa"

I have the need to group them to obtain:

"nifi_grouped_policies": [
        "policy": "read/data/process-groups/8b6b5c9f-0184-1000-57e3-f27fc56dd4aa",
        "groups": [ "8c052e6c-0184-1000-0000-000072a0bb44","8c0536d8-0184-1000-0000-000018ba98a9" ]

But until now I'm still unable to group by "action"+"resource" key getting a list of related "group" in a new field "groups". I have managed to obtain only a list of dictionaries in the form { "action"+"resource" : "group1" }, ..., { "action"+"resource" : "groupN" }

Related ansible task code:

- name: Declare policies (simplest)
    nifi_raw_policies: [
            "action": "read",
            "group": "8c052e6c-0184-1000-0000-000072a0bb44",
            "resource": "/data/process-groups/8b6b5c9f-0184-1000-57e3-f27fc56dd4aa"
            "action": "read",
            "group": "8c0536d8-0184-1000-0000-000018ba98a9",
            "resource": "/data/process-groups/8b6b5c9f-0184-1000-57e3-f27fc56dd4aa"

- name: Declare policies - debug
  debug: var=nifi_raw_policies

- name: Combine action and resource
    nifi_policies: >-
      {{ nifi_policies|default([])
        | union([{
            item.action + item.resource :
  with_items: "{{ nifi_raw_policies }}"

- name: Combine action and resource - debug
  debug: var=nifi_policies

After several tries using combine, union, groupby ansible filters without success.. any insigth would be highly appreciated.

Best regards,

br flag

Create the structure by Jinja. For example, given the mre simplified data

    - action: read
      group: 1
      resource: data
    - action: read
      group: 2
      resource: data

declare the dictionary how to rename the keys

      group: groups
      resource: policy

and declare the structure

  grouped: |
    {% for i in raw|groupby('action') %}
    {{ i.0 }}:
    {% for k in i.1|json_query('[].keys(@)|[]')|unique %}
    {% if k != 'action' %}
      {{ keys[k] }}: {{ i.1|map(attribute=k)|unique }}
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}


  grouped: |-
      groups: [1, 2]
      policy: ['data']

You can get the values only

  grouped_vals: "{{ grouped|from_yaml|dict2items|map(attribute='value')|list }}"


    - groups: [1, 2]
      policy: [data]

The first item from the list is what you're looking for. Or, you can get it from the dictionary

  nifi_grouped_policies: "{{ (grouped|from_yaml).read }}"


    groups: [1, 2]
    policy: [data]

Example of a complete playbook for testing

- hosts: localhost


      - action: read
        group: 1
        resource: data
      - action: read
        group: 2
        resource: data

      group: groups
      resource: policy
    grouped: |
      {% for i in raw|groupby('action') %}
      {{ i.0 }}:
      {% for k in i.1|json_query('[].keys(@)|[]')|unique %}
      {% if k != 'action' %}
        {{ keys[k] }}: {{ i.1|map(attribute=k)|unique }}
      {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
      {% endfor %}
    grouped_vals: "{{ grouped|from_yaml|dict2items|map(attribute='value')|list }}"
    nifi_grouped_policies: "{{ (grouped|from_yaml).read }}"


    - debug:
        var: grouped
    - debug:
        var: grouped_vals|to_yaml
    - debug:
        var: nifi_grouped_policies|to_yaml
Juan M.Victoria avatar
tc flag
Great Vladimir! I hadn't even considered doing the transformation in Jinja2 directly. Much thanks by your quick and elightening response.

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